
Our objective is to outperform our benchmarks with less risk over full market cycles. To achieve this, we apply our core investment philosophy that is built owning quality companies with attractive valuations.

Portfolio Manager: Mark Wynegar, Mike Johnson

Approach: Bottom-up, fundamental research

Portfolio Benchmark: Russell 2000

Number of Holdings: 60 to 70 stocks

Cash Position: Typically below 5%

Expected Turnover: 25-35% Annually

Strategy Inception: 06/30/1996

Portfolio Manager: Donald Radtke, Mark Wynegar

Approach: Bottom-up, fundamental research

Portfolio Benchmark: Russell 2500

Number of Holdings: 50 to 60 stocks

Cash Position: Typically below 5%

Expected Turnover: 25-35% Annually

Strategy Inception: 12/31/2016

Portfolio Manager: Mark Wynegar

Approach: Bottom-up, fundamental research

Portfolio Benchmark: S&P 500 & Russell 3000

Market Cap Focus: At purchase: $500 million to no upper limit

Number of Holdings: Approximately 30 stocks

Expected Turnover: Under 35% Annually

Strategy Inception: 12/31/2014

Portfolio Manager: Nick Nevole

Approach: Bottom-up, fundamental research

Portfolio Benchmark: Russell 1000 Value, S&P 500

Market Cap Focus: At purchase: > $1 billion

Number of Holdings: 45 to 55 stocks

Expected Turnover: 15-30% annually

Strategy Inception: 09/30/2014

Portfolio Manager: Nick Nevole

Approach: Bottom-up, fundamental research

Portfolio Benchmark: S&P 500

Market Cap Focus: At purchase: > $5 billion

Number of Holdings: 50 to 60 stocks

Expected Turnover: 25-35% Annually

Strategy Inception: 03/31/1982